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Lundi 19 novembre

10h10 10h35 Accueil
10h35 10h45 Introduction
Chair: T. Lecroq
10h45 11h15 Dichotomic Selection on words : a probabilistic analysis Julien Clément et Brigitte Vallée
11h15 11h45 Minimum Segmentation for Pan-genomic Founder Reconstruction in Linear Time Tuukka Norri, Bastien Cazaux, Dmitry Kosolobov and Veli Mäkinen
11h45 12h45 Integrating Parallelism into Text Indexing (slides) Johannes Fischer (TU Dortmund)
12h45 14h15 Déjeuner
Chair: H. Touzet
14h15 14h45 Development of indexing compressed structure for analyzing a collection of similar genomes: application to rice Clement Agret, Annie Chateau, Manuel Ruiz and Alban Mancheron Practical fast exact pattern matching algorithm for highly similar sequences (slides) Nadia Ben Nsira, Thierry Lecroq and Élise Prieur-Gaston
14h45 15h15 Indexing de Bruijn graph with minimizers (slides) Antoine Limasset and Rayan Chikhi
15h15 15h35 Pause
Chair: B. Vallée
15h35 16h05 Three Strategies for the Dead-Zone String Matching Algorithm (slides) Jackie Daykin, Richard Groult, Yannick Guesnet, Thierry Lecroq, Arnaud Lefebvre, Martine Léonard, Laurent Mouchard, Élise Prieur-Gaston and Bruce Watson
16h05 16h35 SALZA: Algorithmic Information Theory and Universal Classification for Sequences (slides) François Cayre, Nicolas Le Bihan and Marion Revolle
16h35 17h05 Practical fast exact pattern matching algorithm for highly similar sequences Nadia Ben Nsira, Thierry Lecroq and Elise Prieur-Gaston Discussion sur le GT
17h05 17h35 Discussion sur le GT
20h30 2h JeBif Pub La Taverne de Thor - 13 Place de la République, 76000 Rouen

Mardi 20 novembre

Chair: G. Didier
9h00 9h30 Using chromosome conformation capture to assemble genomes to perfection (slides) Nadège Guiglielmoni, Antoine Limasset, Romain Koszul and Jean-François Flot
9h30 10h00 Détection sans alignement de recombinaisons V(D)J multi-chaînes (slides) Mathieu Giraud and Mikaël Salson
10h00 10h30 Utilisation de k-mers avec erreurs pour l’analyse de données Nanopore (slides) Quentin Bonenfant, Hélène Touzet and Laurent Noé
10h30 10h50 Pause
10h50 12h50 Session entreprises : OmicX (link), SeqOne (slides), Sophia Genetics (slides)
12h50 14h20 Déjeuner
Chair: M. Salson
14h20 15h20 La co-évolution des protéines et le monde des virus Alessandra Carbone (Sorbonne Université - Laboratoire de Biologie Computationnelle et Quantitative)
15h20 15h50 Optimizing early steps of long-read genome assembly (slides) Pierre Marijon, Maël Kerbiriou, Jean-Stéphane Varré and Rayan Chikhi
15h50 16h20 BCOOL-Trans: accurate and variant-preserving correction for RNA-seq (slides) Camille Marchet and Antoine Limasset
16h20 16h40 Pause
Chair: L. Bulteau
16h40 17h10 LoRSCo: Long Reads Self-Correction (slides) Pierre Morisse, Antoine Limasset, Camille Marchet, Arnaud Lefebvre, Pierre Peterlongo and Thierry Lecroq
17h10 17h40 ELECTOR: EvaLuator of Error Correction Tools for lOng Reads (slides) Camille Marchet, Pierre Morisse, Lolita Lecompte, Antoine Limasset, Arnaud Lefebvre, Thierry Lecroq and Pierre Peterlongo
17h40 Fin