Developed by: TIBS team from LITIS lab, part of the University of Rouen - Normandy.
Developed by: Aurélien QUILLET and Gaëtan FERRY, based on an application from Chadi SAAD.
Developed for: DC2N lab, part of the INSERM and of the University of Rouen, Normandy.
This tool uses data from MiRanda, Pita, SVmicro and TargetScan
prediction tools,
as well as from miRwalk database.
Pathway database comes from KEGG as well as the gene database.
MicroRNA database is from miRbase.
Please cite:
A. Quillet, C. Saad, G. Ferry, Y. Anouar, N. Vergne, T. Lecroq and C. Dubessy
Improving bioinformatics prediction of microRNA targets by ranks aggregation
Frontiers in Genetics 10 (2020) 1330.
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